
我们欢迎阿曼达·L. 克劳斯 as Dean of 威廉L. Ridgway College of Arts and Sciences

Posted: Monday, May 13, 2024

The 英国威廉希尔中文网站 (UE) is thrilled to announce the appointment of Amanda L. 克劳斯, Ph值.D., as the new dean of the 威廉L. Ridgway College of Arts and Sciences (CAS).

Dr. 克劳斯 brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to UE's mission "to empower each student to think critically, 勇敢的行动, 提供负责任的, and live meaningfully in a changing world." She will begin her new role in mid-July.

Dr. 克劳斯 joins UE from Mount St. 玛丽的 University in Emmitsburg, 马里兰, where she currently serves as Director of 国际 Programs and Associate Professor of Political Science. 虽然, she oversaw the political science and international studies majors, all 出国留学 programs, and programming for international students.

A proud graduate of the University of Missouri, where she earned her Ph.D. in Political Science with a focus on Comparative 政治, 国际关系, 及研究方法, Dr. 克劳斯 has distinguished herself as a 愿景ary academic leader. 她拿的是M。.A. in Political Science from Louisiana State University and a B.A. in Journalism from Indiana University. Dr. 克劳斯 was the founder and director of the innovative Philosophy, 政治, and Economics (PPE) program at Mount St. 玛丽的.

"I am excited and honored to lead the 威廉L. Ridgway College of Arts and Sciences at the 英国威廉希尔中文网站," said Dr. 克劳斯. "I look forward to collaborating with UE's exceptional faculty, 工作人员, and students to forge connections, 优先考虑学生的需求, and bring innovative solutions that will enhance the College and the University as a whole. I am eager to work with the entire UE community and continue my commitment to being an engaged citizen, 无论是校内还是校外. Together, we will build upon UE's rich connections and programs to chart an even brighter future."

Dr. 克劳斯's impressive record includes over 20 peer-reviewed conference papers, published journal articles, 邀请演讲. Her research focuses on comparative political economy, with a specific emphasis on social services and well-being in the Americas. Beyond her academic achievements, Dr. 克劳斯 is deeply committed to community service and frequently volunteers with domestic and international non-governmental organizations. She travels extensively to conduct research and assess social programs in the Americas and Europe, and provides consulting services to enhance data collection, 评估, and grant writing processes for nonprofits.

"Dr. 克劳斯's dedication to collaboration, 建立人际关系, and alignment with UE's values and mission make her an exceptional choice to lead the College of Arts and Sciences,玛丽·凯斯勒说, Interim Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost at UE. “她的热情, 愿景, and innovative problem-solving abilities will be invaluable assets as we continue to elevate the University's reputation for academic excellence."

威廉L号. Ridgway College of Arts and Sciences is named after life trustee and devoted friend of the university, 已故的博士. 威廉L. Ridgway. The College of Arts and Sciences is the largest of the academic units at the University. It is home to 13 departments including archaeology; art; biology; chemistry; communication; English and creative writing; foreign languages and cultures; history, 政治, and social change; mathematics; music conservatory; physics; psychology and behavioral sciences; and theatre. 欲知详情,请浏览 http://germarium.centerpieceartadvisory.com/colleges/artssciences.cfm


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